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There are 1 results of your search for tuck shop.

tuck shop

The school shop often staffed by volunteer tuck shop ladies where little lunch and big lunch is available during school terms: I had to borrow 20 cents from Mum at the tuck shop in order to get this salad roll. Let's get a drink at the canteen for little lunch and then go to the tuck shop for big lunch. Compare canteen.

Editor's comments: Is there is a difference between a tuck shop and a canteen?

Contributor's comments: Tuck shop was used for the school canteen in Mildura, when I was growing up there.

Contributor's comments: Yes, this is widely used in Victoria, it is the same as a canteen, or kiosk.

Contributor's comments: I grew up on the Mornington Peninsula in Victoria and we always referred to the school 'Tuckshop' as that, never anything else.

Contributor's comments: My primary school in Canberra only had a tuckshop. My high school, also in Canberra, only had a canteen!

Contributor's comments: Tuck Shop is commonly used in the area spanning the entire east coast of Queensland. To use the Tuck Shop you need to have Tuck Shop Money - which is really just normal money.

Contributor's comments: A great concept but I think that your grouping of the Far Nth Coast of NSW with the Hunter is flawed. I use the word tuck shop as an eg that the word associations between SE Qld and FNC of NSW are much stronger than with the virtually non-existent links with the Hunter. From a born and bred Lismoron ie citizen of Lismore.

Contributor's comments: Tuckshop definitely used in Tamworth, but Canteen in Griffith. There is no difference between the two.

Contributor's comments: None of the schools I went to ever had canteens, only tuck shops. I am shocked to see that no one outside of Brisbane has yet owned up to this term!

Contributor's comments: Also used in the ACT.

Contributor's comments: We had a tuck shop at my school on the North West Coast in Tassy.

Contributor's comments: Tuck Shop was definitely used in Melbourne in the 1950's.

Contributor's comments: This was used at our school in Murray Bridge, SA during the 1960's.

Contributor's comments: Tuck shop is used in NSW and in Victoria, howcome it is listed as only for SE QLD?

Contributor's comments: We had a tuckshop at school/s in Wagga (1960's & 70's) and my son has a tuckshop at his primary school in Canberra (I do tuckshop duty!)

Contributor's comments: Tuck shop was always used in Newcastle when I was growing up.

Contributor's comments: I also grew up on the Mornington Peninsula in Victoria. 'Tuck shop' was the term used at the Catholic school I attended in the early 60s. Half way through primary school, I transferred to a State school, where it was called the 'canteen'.

Contributor's comments: At KIDS (King Island) in the 60s we had a canteen where a hot meal was provided at lunch for 2 bob and where we received our free school milk at recess. Both practices have gone by the by, but I believe the canteen is still there and is were the "class monitors" go to collect the salad rolls, pies, sausage rolls, etc., that a class may have order at "class teacher" that morning for distribution to the students before being dismissed for lunch.

Contributor's comments: Well here's a spanner in the works. I went to Kedron State High School in Brisbane in the 60's and we had both - canteen and tuckshop. The canteen was run by the Social Club {a student body} and manned by students selling soft drinks only, as a fundraiser. The tuckshop was run by Mothers and I guess the money went to a P&C type oganisation, they sold the most enjoyable hot mince on a bread roll I have ever eaten. There were over 2000 students and most brought a lunch from home, so only needed a soft drink to complete their meal.

Contributor's comments: In the UK a tuck shop is a shop in close proximity to a state school, but not on school premises. In the "Public Schools" (ie private schools) the tuck shop is a place separate from the school dining room where you can buy delicacies. Dining room meals are included in the school fees. The tuck shop near my school was actually called The Tuck Shop.

Contributor's comments: School kitchen where lunches, snacks are prepared and sold: To a child, "Would you like to order lunch from the tuckshop today?"

Contributor's comments: When I went to school in the 1960s it was ALWAYS called a tuck shop. With my own children in the 1990s I noticed the sign was canteen, which I believe to be a "southern /Mexican" term. Funny thing is that in the newsletter at School there are always requests for volunteers for the tuck shop. Also the children always ask for tuckshop money.

Contributor's comments: I grew up in the south of WA in the 50's and 60's and the word tuck shop was always used not this canteen business.

Contributor's comments: Melbourne, 1950s: both tuckshop and canteen were used, interchangeably. "Canteen" probably was used in more formal usages and became more frequent with time.

Contributor's comments: We used the term "tuck shop" at the high school I went to in Fremantel, W.A. I never heard the word canteen until I married an American.

Contributor's comments: Tuck shop was the only way we referred to it in the 70's & 80's in NW Sydney. My kids now call it the canteen-wasn't a canteen a camper's drink bottle?