There are 1 results of your search for povo.
noun 1. a person who is poor: They can't afford to go - they're real povos.
–adjective 2. poor, or befitting a poor person: povo clothes. Compare pov. Also, povvo.
Contributor's comments: a poor, declassee person (presumably from 'poverty?) [used to] dismiss contemptously: "He (she) is a povo." "Ignore him. He is just a 'povvo'. Look at his clothes."
Contributor's comments: The term 'povo' comes from the word poverty.
Contributor's comments: [North Geelong informant] I would also say that this is used to describe someone who is tight arsed but not necessarily poor.
Contributor's comments: poor and despised person: "Take no notice of him - he's just a povo."
Contributor's comments: Response from a Frankston boy when asked if he was going to a particular event- "Nah I can't go, I'm a bit povo this week".