There is so much symbolism surrounding the festival of Easter that it is hard to unpick. Read more…
There is so much symbolism surrounding the festival of Easter that it is hard to unpick. Read more…
Just as we love our antique bric-a-brac, so too do we love our antique words. We pick up an object, speculate on its purpose in life, admire its shape and colour even if we have no idea where it came from and what it is supposed to do. Read more…
So, Australia’s word guru, the woman who has been at the helm (if a dictionary can be said to have a helm) of the Macquarie
Introducing The Great Australian Spelling Book, the official companion to The Great Australian Spelling Bee, the hit TV series from Network TEN. Written by the Macquarie Dictionary editors, The
To dispatch or to despatch – that was the question from a dictionary user who had been taught at school that despatch was correct and dispatch was incorrect. Read more…
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