
Which words won the Premier’s Spelling Bee?

Ever year in New South Wales, the Premier’s Spelling Bee gathers students from all over the state to compete in one of the biggest spelling competitions in the state. Macquarie Dictionary is proud to sponsor this event once again and we so thrilled to be able to see these bright young people compete in both the junior and senior competitions.

Run by the NSW Department of Education, who have posted photos of the winners on Facebook, this year, the winner for the senior competition was River from Yamba Public School. His winning word was proscenium, which means ‘the front part of the stage, especially the area in front of the curtain’. A difficult word for anybody!

And in the junior competition, the winner was Hannah from Hornsby South Public School with the word vigilante, which means ‘a private citizen who, usually as one of a group of such citizens, assumes the role of guardian of society in maintaining law and order, punishing wrongdoers, etc.’

Congratulations to everyone who took part in the Premier’s Spelling Bee this year and especially to the two winners.

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