
Words to Watch March

At the Macquarie Dictionary, when a new word or new use of a word is brought to our attention, we investigate to decide if it warrants an entry in the Macquarie and an official place in the Australian lexicon

Below are five words that are currently under consideration for entry into the Macquarie Dictionary.

sleep tourism

This term refers to a growing trend in the travel industry where special services are designed for guests looking to address sleep issues or enhance their sleep quality while travelling. As our awareness of health and wellbeing increases, sleep tourism provides tailored accommodations and experiences to help ensure guests rest easier while away from home.

zombie DA

A zombie development approval (DA) refers to an approval granted for a project that was given a long time ago but has not yet been acted upon. While still technically valid, these approvals remain in limbo, neither progressing nor being revoked, and have become an enduring but inactive part of the planning system.

cuddle bed 

The cuddle bed is a specially adapted bed used in hospitals to allow family members or partners to physically connect with loved ones in palliative or maternity care. Designed for comfort and connection, it provides an emotional and physical space to share intimacy during difficult moments.

quiet vacationing

Quiet vacationing is the practice of using flexible remote working conditions to work while on vacation, away from home, without informing one’s employer. This growing trend allows employees to blend work with leisure and enjoy new environments while maintaining their professional responsibilities.


Permashifting describes the act of mentally escaping reality to immerse oneself in an alternate world inside the mind. Whether as a coping mechanism or a form of creative release, permashifting provides a mental break from everyday life, offering a sanctuary from external stresses.

So what do you think? Do these words capture the current Australian experience? And more importantly, do they deserve a place in the Macquarie Dictionary?

cuddle bed - a specially adapted bed that allows partners and family members to physically connect when in hospital for palliative or maternity care. quiet vacationing - the practice of using flexible remote working conditions to work from vacations away from home without informing one’s employer. sleep tourism - the practice of offering special services catered to guests who have sleep issues or who wish to ensure quality sleep while travelling. zombie DA - an approval for a development, granted a considerable time in the past, that has not been acted on. permashifting - the practice of escaping this reality to a world in your mind.

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